who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

I’ve known P for five years now and I consider her as one of my closest friends. We confide in each other when we’re unhappy and angry. I knew exactly when P had fallen in love with someone from work. I saw the look in their eyes and I immediately knew that something had happened between the both of them.
I was genuinely happy for them, they looked so virtuous together. But I’ve learned that where there are people, there will always be talk. And so talk within the workplace spread and eventually took it’s toll on their relationship. No one at work knew about it, so they ended it quietly and swiftly. 
P and I had each other when things went sour in our relationships. For P, it was the very first time she fell unconditionally and irrevocably in love with someone. The difference between our situation is that I did not have to see my ex at all. P had to go in to work with a brave face and pretend that they never happened. 
A year from then, she told me she still loves him. She knows that her feelings will no longer be reciprocated. She merely wishes that he will be happy and at least acknowledge her presence. I think she has finally reached her limit and broke down. It’s not easy to see him almost everyday. I wish I knew how to help her. 


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