hello, goodbye

I was awoken early in the morning by a text message. It was from a person I haven't spoken to in a long time, a person who has simply been forgotten. I read the message whilst in my drowsy stupor and promptly went back to sleep. Getting more sleep was my priority, everything else seemed irrelevant. 

By the time I had woken up, I thought it was all but a mere dream. Against my better judgement, I checked my message inbox. Sure enough, there it was. I didn't know what to do. I thought to myself that I am a mature adult and that all has been forgiven. When I say forgiven, I mean that it is all behind me. I do not hope for anything to happen. 

I once considered changing my phone number. But then I thought, what if this person wanted to contact me one day? Now I wish I had because I wouldn't have to deal with the sort of disappointment that comes with these unexpected attempts of communication. Today I am no longer disappointed, all that I feel is apathy. I expect nothing, so I can avoid disappointment all together. 


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