I've really got to get working on that website I was supposed to be putting together. I sort of gave up after I failed to get my domain completely online, I hope to get it all pieced together after exams. I wanted another medium to share a few photos and recipes. For now, I've just been uploading the odd photo here and there on Flickr and Instagram.

I've recently started a new job and I'm really happy to be there. The workplace culture is positive, everyone is very friendly and willing to help me out. I suppose I've always hated previous places I've been employed at because of the lack of positive workplace culture. I'm going to have to learn how to save my money, I really want to get an Olympus OM-D E-M5 for myself this Christmas.

Sometimes I regret the time I've spent studying science, the content was interesting and I made some really good friends. But at the same time, I had no idea which direction I wanted to steer my life towards. I couldn't see myself sitting in a lab with a 9-5 job until I retire. I didn't want to wake up at middle age and realise that I'm following the wrong career path. Now I'm content because I'm finally pursuing what I want in my life.

Image credit: impossibleastronaut


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