au contraire
It's funny how you can give someone so much advice and support on an issue bothering them. But its virtually impossible to apply all of those to yourself when you're facing the same problem. Maybe the gravity of those words just don't resonate sufficiently when you relay the same words to yourself.
People walk in and out of our lives, sometimes you change when they walk out. Whether that is for better or for worse is entirely up to you to be the judge of. Surely we are bitter, perhaps we harbor anger and resentment too, but what is left once all of these dissipate with time?
Perhaps by now I should be a more assiduous and avid observer. I've grown to accept there are many things that I cannot change and words I cannot renounce once they are said. I'll gracefully make the transition back to life as I once knew it as, yet I cannot help but notice something has gone amiss.
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