andante cantabile

I know I don't use my time wisely, but I decided to spend time with friends instead of writing that audit. It was not planned, but three of us dressed up as characters from Alice in wonderland. Obviously my mad hatter costume got lost in the mail, much to my dismay. I had to come up with a last minute costume, Cheshire cat (minus the ears and tail, use your imagination). 

I didn't have the time to make finger food for the get together. The concoction of sleeping pills put me in a sleep coma which lasted until the afternoon. Andrew made ghost biscuits, they were surprisingly nice despite how strange they look. White chocolate and shortbread biscuits are a match made in heaven. 

An made the cutest Oreo spiders. I wish there were more of the spiders and ghost biscuits. These are the only spiders that I could possibly like. Josh showed me a video of him feeding his pet tarantulas and scorpion, that was quite interesting. I thought I was strange for owning a pet frog, but that is nothing compared to Josh's pets.

Helen and Nao made some finger food, literally. They also made jelly shots, but I'm pretty sure you all know what that would look like. Oh look, the finger nails match Bec's nail colour. I love her to bits, I wished we didn't have a falling out after she left school. I've always missed the times that we passed notes to each other during commerce class and making fun of the teacher.

The girls

It was nice to get away from that dreaded audit for the day and play dress ups. I'm going to stay awake and just work on the audit until it is time for me to leave home to conduct the inspection. I know it sounds odd, but I'm really excited. I miss advanced english classes with Mr Mackenzie, great times. I've learned so much from being in his classes all these years. I can't ever watch a movie without overly analyzing it, I owe that to him. If I could go back in time, I wish I had gone to school every day instead of being absent at least once every week.

The boys
I gave it a lot of thought, but this is where I really give up. I am merely a person with a fear of commitment. I lack direction in my life. My only concern now is finding that direction and summoning the courage to pursue it. I want to focus on myself and the impending decisions I have to make. 

“Did the Cheshire cat eat all the ghost biscuits?”, implored the wicked witch. 
The Cheshire cat purred, “Yes, I’m afraid so.” 
The witch was outraged upon hearing this and swung her sword at the unsuspecting cat.
Happy Halloween! 


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