Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary

I can't sleep at all. All I've done is lie there listening to the wind bellowing and the leaves rustling outside my window. I've started reading Stephen King's "It" again. My sleeping patterns have become increasingly bizarre lately. I was still awake in bed when the rising sun painted bold hues of magnificent rouge and orange across the canvas sky. I hope I don't see the sun rising again today, I just want to sleep.

Yes. Shit happens, thats life. I think I've come to accept that truth through the years, it is as natural as breathing or blinking. Events bearing negative impacts must happen. How else would we learn to value the better things in life? H once said to me that it was necessary that we brave the rain in order to appreciate the beauty of the rainbow that follows. I still remember the pained expression in your face when you said that.

You've reversed roles with your parents. You have to protect your brother and encourage him, even when you strain yourself to smile. Sometimes I worry for the both of you, I just hope the both of you will find true virtue somewhere down the line. A home is not just a house, it doesn't merely consist of bricks and mortar. You are the solid foundation which welds together your family and keeps everyone in place. I can see its not easy to be you, H.

I'll try to limit the sullen posts, afterall my days here feel numbered. I'd rather take my break on a happier note. So heres the buffer zone; I came across something pretty funny whilst reading...
"How many frenchmen does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"One to hold the lightbulb and four to turn the house"
Seeing as I mentioned appreciating rainbows, heres one I stumbled upon...
The Rainbow


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