
The year is coming to an end very soon, I really wonder where all this time has gone. I've had my fair share of the ups and downs throughout this year. But I'd rather not dwell so much upon the downs of this year. With the pitfalls that came along with this year, I've come to realise who my real friends are. There are those who make you laugh even when you're in the worst mood, those who understand just by exchanging glances or those who are there during times of turmoil. So if you guys are reading, thank you for being there.

This year I learned that I can let go of things. There was a person named M, whom I have not spoken to for 5 years during our silent brawl. I've forgiven this person for a long time, though I have not found the heart to actually speak to this person. I saw M at Helen's party and I guess I no longer felt awkward in her presence. We joked around and such as though those 5 years were nothing. And I feel far more alleviated now.

A while ago, Sylvie asked if I had any new year resolutions. I'm not really a firm believer in those new year resolutions because I never keep true to them. They're so easy to make, but so hard to commit to. Maybe I just have a problem with commitment. I think if I was to think of a resolution, it would probably be to stop doing everything in the last minute. I still can't find my birth certificate, I've misplaced it for 2 years already. I think its about time I replaced it, soon.


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