all things in common nature should produce without sweat and endeavour

I'm sitting here with eating fruit salad and reading exerpts from The Tempest. Lunch consisted of a tuna sandwich, camomile tea and some management notes. The biochemistry lab class was boring, but I'm looking forward to it. Kate is still away on holiday in Iran, I can't wait to see her again! I really clicked with Kate last semester. I didn't know her for even 6 months and I felt like I'd known her for years. Theres just something so genuine about her, she'll be back on the 4th. I'm quite excited, we have many stories to exchange.
Today was my first class for (bear with me, the name of the unit is quite lengthy)... Human resource and Industrial relations strategy. I felt slightly out of place in that class, everyone was majoring in law or management. I was the black sheep. A science student working towards a sub major in employment relations. I got a few strange looks from people when I said I study science. But I really don't mind it. Ooh plus I got to check out that new building built for the management department. When I first entered the building I turned to Emma and said, "Gee, it smells new in here. I can still smell the paint." Random, I know...
I just want to have a sub major in employment relations to differentiate myself from other science students. I said I wanted to transfer to a new degree next year, but Susu knocked sense into me (thanks missy). For now, I think I'll finish this. I don't want to make any rash decisions I'll end up regretting. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep last night and 6 hours straight of class today. I wonder how I'd survive Fridays from now onwards, I feel so exhausted. I'm ready to shut my heavy eyelids now.
A very surprising thing happened this afternoon. I was lining up at the ATM at the shopping centre and I happened to notice a familiar person standing in front of me. It was a backpack and style of clothing unique to one person I knew. And how can I forget those distinguishing curly locks in a pony tail, it was Selin. Fancy that, seeing Selin at such a random moment. It was nice to randomly bump into her, I haven't seen her in quite some time! Too long perhaps... Well at least I'll get to see her around at biochemistry lectures.
I don't know what compelled me to spend $50 within a matter of moments. I walked into JB's with Selin and walked back out with two seasons of Seinfeld. Well hooray, I'll have something to do when I'm wide awake at 2am. Theres something so nostalgic about Seinfeld and I'm quite drawn to it. I used to hate that show when I was a kid because it took over the Simpsons time slot. I guess time did in fact, alter my perception.
Sometimes I wonder what you're up to. But I don't particularly feel like texting you now, you're probably busy. I've lost the plot, I really have. I think I need to study so I can prevent myself from getting distracted. I've been distracted enough these past few years by the numberless going ons in life. Maybe its time I get serious and study... Later...
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