know thyself

I was really happy to see my old lecturer from HR/IR strategy, Helen is teaching another subject I'm taking this semester. I aspire to be like her, she's so knowledgeable and I wish I could be like her some day. She told us to follow our dreams and to be prepared to change if the dream doesn't suit you any more. I wish I had heard that advice much sooner. 

Last night I went to the Biennale exhibition at Walsh Bay, my companion and I arrived rather early. We were hoping to beat the queue since there was a free nail art event, it rained throughout the afternoon so the queue was almost non existent. I did manage to take a few pictures as the sun was setting, that made the wait a little more tolerable.  

The exhibition was interesting and I wondered what it would've looked like in the daytime. It was a great experience, I intend to upload more pictures from last night after I've gone through them and edited a few. We sipped on cider and got our nails done. There were two pop-up bars and a DJ, so we sipped on wine and danced the night away. How else would I burn off the calories from the cakes I ate beforehand? 

I do plan on returning to Cockatoo Island with a friend of mine. She enjoys photography and I wouldn't feel bad about running around taking pictures. I got an Olympus E-PM1 the other day, I'm quite eager to keep taking pictures and learning to use the manual settings. As for the aforementioned new domain, I haven't really revisited it after meeting with some technical difficulties. I suppose it would be appropriate to say, "good things come to those who wait". 


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