lapsed memories

A essential part of growing up is realising that you don't have to see your friends each and every passing day. This is something I've learned to gradually accept as I made the transition from secondary school to tertiary studies. I don't expect everyone to see eye to eye with me on this. When you don't see someone everyday, you have so much to reminisce about and a steady flow of updates to unload.

The previous post was just about something I'd be itching to write about, I had only just found the motivation to gather my thoughts. But I suppose from actually writing that post, I felt that I could accept and understand how our responsibilities have altered over time. I don't know how long some of you have been following my blog, but I'd periodically make references to a dear friend of mine.

My friend, H, has the tendency to disappear due to her circumstances and responsibilities. Over the last six years, I've become quite well accustomed to her disappearances and sudden reappearances. I contacted her brother today and I was relieved that I got a response. H is still as responsible as ever and it seems your family is a complete unit again. H is one of the few selfless people that I know of, everyone's needs and wants are put before your own. 

That is certainly not something easy to do, even I am not capable of doing so. Perhaps I simply overly empathise with you, after all we both had many obstacles to overcome. I'm grateful that H was there for me during my darker times. I know H prefers to shoulder everything in silence, I hope one day you'll know that we are all thinking of you. Now back to studying for my exam, ten more hours to go.


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