Usually at job interviews, I end up talking to other applicants. At my last interview, I became friends with one of the other interview attendees. We're live in the same suburb, share a friendship with the same childhood friend and we just really clicked. The interview was really competitive, I guess I'm not that surprised I didn't get the job.
Even though I wasn't successful, the interview seminar was a good experience in itself. Not to mention it was the first time that I actually kept in contact with the someone I met at an interview. I was disappointed but I didn't feel that way for very long. I learned a lot about myself and I've made a new acquaintance. I certainly didn't feel this liberated from any previous interviews.
Tonight I received an email from an employer from five years ago, T. She asked everyone to come hang out and have a drink for old time's sake. I never noticed how fast time has progressed, sometimes I need to be reminded that time isn't a stationary object. My shortcomings are a result of my inability to visualise and plan for my own future.
You know the old textbook question they always ask you in a job interview, "where do you see yourself in xx years?" I don't remember how I tackled this question when T asked me five years ago. I've lived a fairly 'safe' life, I seldom ever take risks. If you make a mistake, don't magnify your entire life based on just that. The beauty of life is that it wasn't ever mean't to be immaculately perfect.
Image credit: bramvanhaeren
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