routine check up

Exam timetables have been released, I'd say it's looking alright. I'm still putting together a present for Mother's Day, I haven't worked on it as much as I would've liked to though. I keep a planner and I can't even remember when I have to complete things by. I guess writing in it is a good idea, reading it every now and then is even more important.

I was half asleep when the receptionist at the doctor's clinic called today. I'm sure she could tell I had only just woken up. I asked her if she knew why I the doctor had asked me to see him, she said she didn't know. I shouldn't think too much, he's probably checking to see if I've recovered after taking antibiotics. I'd like to think that, but I don't think that's the reason. I should stop scaring myself and just drop by the clinic on Saturday.

P.S. I'll be changing my blog address at the start of July, I'll keep you guys posted.


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