C'est la vie

It's now 2:14am, I should be asleep but I'm not. The mid semester break is over, which is quite a pity. I spent my break and birthday being sick. At least I didn't have to go to class. This leaves me with a lot of work to catch up on. I've got two assignments and a test next week. I'm not looking forward to any of those drab assessments.

At least I spent my birthday with friends and family (not to mention the bacteria). It's the first time I had two cakes for my birthday. The day was fun and I was genuinely happy. I'm not one that likes attention. I like to keep my birthday small and enjoy it with good company. I never particularly warmed to clubbing or getting myself pathetically drunk. You may perceive me as boring, but I won't do something unless it really is worth my time.

My friend's wedding is this weekend. Most people are excited by the very idea of a wedding. To me, it's literally a painful experience. I've been considered tall for most of my life, so high heels were never a necessity. To this day, I haven't mastered walking in heels. I forsee a blister or two. We do such silly things in the name of fashion, often they're painful choices(namely the shoes). Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the long awaited wedding.


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