secret garden

I had to go to Hawksbury again today to collect my experiment results, it was a good thing Tim had class up there as well today so I got a lift there. After my lab class, I met up with Tim and went to his lecture for forensic chemistry. It wasn't that bad, though it was hard to keep my eyes open in that depressing little room.

I nagged Tim to take me to the nursery near the campus, for some reason I was thinking they'd sell venus fly traps. Well they didn't have them, but I did find something else... Serissa foetida!

It reminded me of my failed bonsai so I didn't end up buying it. I was quite tempted to buy the lavender plant but I don't have that much space to grow it on my balcony. Pity, I do love lavenders.

Turns out the fellow running the nursery graduated with a major in horticulture at the university. He helped me pick out a plant to grow on my balcony. He pretty much told me the roses were for free and gave Tim a pot as well. I loved the nursery it was so serene.

We tread about quite carefully because we were worried we'd knock something over. There was pretty much potted plants scattered about everywhere. I wish I could've bought more plants though, there really was plenty of variety.

There were even two pigs at the nursery, they didn't smell fantastic but they seemed quite polite. At least they came when I called them.

I suppose random expeditions are quite enjoyable. I finally knew where that little dirt track near the university gates led to. I'd sure like to come back again one day when I'm bothered to catch the train up there. I guess my mom is going to get a nice surprise when shes back from Vietnam.


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