on a day like today

I slept in again, I guess I really can't entirely break the habit. I guess my nocturnal ways have been going on for much too long. Maybe I just refuse to see to it that I change. Perhaps I'll always be that nonsensical, whimsical, and ill mannered child.
I ponder too much. The other day, I was so lost in my thoughts... I missed the train, it just went right past me. Might I add, it was not the greatest 7 minutes of my life. I stood there freezing as the icy wind bore into whatever remnants of warmth I had left. I used to like winter, I liked staying tucked in my warm bed with my teddy bear. But now, I really hate to drag myself out of my bed and brave the day. I guess this calls for a sleeping pill tonight, I really must sleep early.
I don't feel so motivated to go jogging tonight... Maybe I'll go in two hours time, maybe is the keyword here. I'm looking forward to the semester break, an entire month off to do much deep pondering and jogging.
I can't wait til Monday is over, Physics will be my last exam... Then here comes my emancipation, for a mere month.
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