i like the smell of rain

Today was like any other day, every other day feels the same... Winter is settling in, everything seems to be washed in grey. Maybe even I've been washed in the hues of grey. I caught the 7:45am express train, got on the same carriage, forced my way into the same cramped carriage and daydreamed til i reached my stop some 20 minutes later. Everyone walked in time down the stairs, same routine every single day...
Sometimes I wish I could be 10 years old again, wouldn't it be nice to live out each and every day without a care in mind? Wouldn't it be nice to go to school wondering if you'll wake up in time to watch the next installment of Pokemon? Or wonder if you'll ever beat your friend in the maths test? Or wonder what you'll buy at the school canteen with that spare change?
These days I wonder if I'll wake up at all in the morning on time, if I'll get a high enough GPA, or if I'll even have the time to eat lunch at all...
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