remapping life expectations

The real definitive moment within our life is when we come to terms with the fact that what we want cannot be attained. You know what I'm talking about. Remember those dreams you secretly harboured? It is suffice to say that, I too have experienced this. Perhaps many of you have too. Back in my final two years in high school, I was determined to gain entry to one of the medical programs. Despite having personal problems on the horizon, I made sure that I kept trying. I sat the UMAT, my principal helped me with my application and said that I had potential. I even attended an interview with the university academics, I really was convinced that I could live up to my aspirations of the future. But in the end, that just wasn't enough. My personal problems got the best of me and sometimes I still regret it. For a long time, I didn't know how to accept my own failure. I was compelled to write this after someone confided in me about meeting disappointment, I hope this post h...