this creature of habit
I tend to fall prey to these turbulent cycles of motivation. One moment, I would feel absolutely productive and motivated. Without any word of warning, I could be completely indifferent. Today my lecturer emailed me my mark for my essay, I made the premature assumption that I would be disappointed with my mark. I started it a few days before the due date and somehow, by pure miracle, managed to regurgitate a little over 2,000 words. Much to my surprise, I got distinction for my rushed piece. I hope this motivation remains with me, at least until I finish all my impending assessments. The memories which we hold dearest to us, almost always return to us in dreams. It is strange how we can forget what once mattered most to us, I feel as though some of my memories have been demoted to feeble manifestations. But I don't want to forget how I came to become this person, so I keep writing here once in a while. Each time I revisit these pages of writing, I recall both definitive and de...