nature blazes before our eyes
I find that I adhere to whatever I put to pen and paper. Today I fulfilled one new year resolution, I can officially tick it off my list. I wanted to be more forgiving both to myself and others. I forgave someone I hadn't spoken to in quite some time. To be frank, it was a childish cold war. The fault lay between us both, but I feel I should've been more mature about the matter. Apparently we hadn't been in touch for three months. Time flies by so fast when you're not paying attention, I feel that was time wasted on my part. I regret not being more mature minded, but I'm glad I was able to say something today. My friend knows I am incapable of expressing my emotions. I feel too awkward to openly say I miss or care about someone. The past has a funny was of sneaking up on you, mainly when your defences are down. The mumbler tried to talk to me these past few days. As humans, we fear being hurt and we will do what is necessary to preserve ourselves. The truth is w...