bravery never goes out of fashion

Maybe my cascading emotions are overwhelming the entire essence of my being. When you let out one emotion, you open the floodgates. I was once timid, I ensured I became more out spoken. During my childhood and much of my adolescent years, I bottled up every single emotion. I was but an empty shell. I decided I needed to change that aspect of myself, but that change did not occur overnight.  

I've grown to become sarcastic, much less patient and apathetic about how I convey myself to others. The media has perpetually been responsible for how we view ourselves and the values we hold dear. There are numerous people in the world that have been primed to believe that they're not good enough, not skinny enough, not beautiful enough. The truth is you are enough, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

I don't want to pretend I enjoy being in the presence of people I dislike. I don't want to remain silent when I want to make my opinions heard. I don't want to be the damsel in distress. People might not agree with your choices, people might not even like the new you. Don't change yourself for someone else. Do it for yourself and ask yourself why you want to change. Only then will that decision resonate with purpose, intent and integrity.

Image credit: yuickr


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